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Make a Complaint About Karol Florian Madera, VE7KFM

Saanich Police Mailing Address:

Saanich Police

760 Vernon Avenue

Victoria, BC

Canada V8X2W6

Non-Emergency Line: (250) 475-4321

Front Desk Fax: (250) 475-6153


You may also communicate with the Saanich Police through their web form and social media channels about any police related matter.

"VE7KFM" is a radio station operated by Karol Florian Madera in Saanich, British Columbia, Canada. This radio station is one of the most notorious on the air today. Madera is a proven liar, who broadcasts obscenity, defamation, threats, racism, and hate propaganda. Please add your voice to those who've already complained about this pathetic social outcast.

Karol Madera, of 3040 Tillicum Road, Saanich, British Columbia, in Canada, frequently asks al Qaida to perform atrocities on Americans. An extensive audio library documenting the case can be found on our site. You may also respectfully email the Minister for Industry Canada at to ask the Minister to prevent the continued broadcast of threats, obscenities, incitement, child luring, and racial and ethnic slurs by Karol Madera.

Other Ministers may also appreciate courtesy copies of your report: CC: other Ministers

Saanich Police Chief Constable Downie has promised to bring more transparency and fresh eyes to the problem at 3040 Tillicum Road. You can reach Chief Constable Downie at (250) 475-4321. The Chief knows all about Karol Madera. Please remind the Chief about the Victoria Real Estate Board case, where Madera was accused of threatening Board Members, locked out of the premises, and subsequently forced to pay Board Members $1,000 each, when Madera lost his bogus lawsuit, following his bizarre accusation that they belonged to "a secret society." Ask the Chief to check the CSIS/RCMP report delivered to his agency, and to check the report of the FBI Legal Attache, regarding Karol Madera.

See our legal page for details. For obvious reasons, Madera was refused admission to the BC Law Society.

Manager, Spectrum Program

Vancouver Island District Office

318 - 816 Government Street

Victoria, B.C.

V8W 1W9

Phone: (250) 363-3800

Fax: (250) 363-0208

See the Industry Canada Compliance and Enforcement Page

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should also be informed that Karol Madera calls himself al Qaida Northern Command, has said he is on Jihad, while screaming "Allah Akbar" and inciting violence against Americans. Karol Madera is an ongoing source of embarrassment and shame to the Canadian people. Refer Mr. Trudeau to the Saanich Police Department, and our recordings page at this website.

Justin Trudeau

House of Commons

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6


Phone: (613) 995-0253

Fax: (613) 947-0310